February 2025 Newsletter

Central Baptist February Newsletter

Upcoming Events

Super Bowl Sunday Snack Night

Come bring a snack to share and watch the game on the big screen!
Sunday, February 9th after the evening service.

Name Tag Sunday

Sunday, February 16th come ready to meet new friends!
Sunday, February 9th during our 11:00 a.m Worship Service we will partake in Holy Communion.
Snack Night

Sunday, February 23rd after the evening service. Bring a snack to share and enjoy an evening of fellowship!
Identity Movie Night

Friday, February 28th our young adult group will be get together for a movie night.
Time to be determined.

Service Opportunity

February food distribution is Saturday, February 8th at 10:00 a.m.

Church Prayer Needs

  • Missionaries around the world
  • Funding for the parking lot renovation ($80,000 needed).
  • New HVAC system for the auditorium
  • Revival: in our homes, community,and nation
  • Soul winning, discipling, spiritual growth, and maturity

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