
The Womacks

Tim Womack

Head Pastor

Pastor Womack was a plumber in Northwest Ohio when the Lord saved him and called him into the ministry. He has been in the ministry since 1996 and at Central Baptist Church since 2008. Pastor Womack and his wife, Lori, were married in 1987 and have four adult children: Clayton (Hollie), Jacob (Kelly), Michaela (Oscar), and Elijah (Hannah); all of whom are currently serving in the ministry. They also have nine grandsons and three granddaughters. Lori additionally serves as the administrative assistant for the church.
The Young Family

Micah Young

Administration and Technology

After holding a business and technology leadership role in the news media for nearly 30 years, Micah changed focus to a primary ministerial role in 2021. Micah married his wife, Nora, in 1997, and they have four children in the Central Baptist Teen Ministry - Nathan, Abigail, Rachel and Jubal. The Youngs have served and worshiped at Central since 2016.

Jon & Jen Morbitzer

Teen Ministry Leaders

By day, Jon is a mild-mannered manager of a large plumbing and heating and cooling operation. When he isn't solving messy plumbing and logistics problems for Ohio businesses and homeowners, he joins forces with his wife Jennifer to oversee the large teen ministry at Central Baptist Church. Jon and Jen have three children - Lucas, Annelise and Solomon.   

Ben & Lindsey Morbitzer

Children's Ministry Leaders

Ben and Lindsey have been active as teachers and leaders in the Children's Ministry for five years. In addition to their time spent in the classroom, Lindsey keeps the wheels spinning for Kid's Central Station as the lead coordinator. Lindsey and Ben have one child - Grady.