September 2024 Newsletter

Central Baptist September Newsletter
2024 National Night Out

This year's National Night Out was a huge success!

Thank you to all the volunteers who made this year's event so much fun!

Upcoming Events

Round-up Sunday

Sunday, September September 1st

Summer is over and it's time to get back to our regular schedules. Now's a great time to come back to church!

Also, children will be moving up to their next level in children's ministries!

Join us for a cook-out and fellowship after the 11 a.m worship service!
Baby Dedication

We will have baby dedication on Sunday, September 1st during our 11 a.m Worship Service.
River Baptism

Join us for our annual river baptism on Sunday, September 29th immediately following our 11 a.m Worship Service.

Location: to be determined. Check our social media pages for updated information!

Service Opportunity

September food distribution is Saturday, September at 10:00 a.m.

Church Prayer Needs

Church: Spiritually, emotionally, numerically, ministerially, physically, and financially. Growth in all areas.
Outreach: Soul winning, inviting, and Mid-Ohio Food Bank
Youth Ministries: Children's church, Sunday school, and Wednesday night services
Worship Service: The Spirit, messages, music, teachings, preaching, people, decisions, laborers, on-line streaming
Families: Personal families and our church family

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