Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Central is a missions-focused church. Our mission is to reach the world for Christ: beginning in Columbus, Ohio, but our witness is to extend unto the uttermost parts of the earth! We join with churches of like faith to support dozens of foreign missions on fields across the globe. Partner with us as we support missions teams abroad in fulfilling our great commission.

Missions and Missionaries
The Andersons

Erica, Name, Tom, and Toni Anderson
The Anderson family are missionaries to Belgium. Belgium is a small country between France and the Netherlands. The main languages are French and Flemish. Less than .5% of the people of Belgium claim to be Christians. It is a hard field, but God has called them and they have seen Him work in the lives of people over the last 18 years.
If you'd like to keep up with the latest on the Anderson family, you can see their latest newsletter here.
If you'd like to keep up with the latest on the Anderson family, you can see their latest newsletter here.

Bearing Precious Seed Ministries

Bearing Precious Seed is a scripture publishing ministry of First Baptist Church in Milford, Ohio. Since 1973, BPS has printed over 200 million Scriptures and Scripture portions and distributed them to churches and missionaries all around the world.

The Carpenter's Project

The Carpenter's Project is an independent Baptist ministry that facilitates the church planting movement in unevangelized countries. Their focus is helping ministries in predominantly Muslim, Hindu, or Buddhist countries. The Carpenter's Project:
The Carpenter’s Project was instrumental in the founding of the Independent Baptist College of Asia-Pacific (Philippines), and continues to offer support to its students and faculty.
- Trains Nationals
- Supports Church Planters
- Funds Church Construction
- Sponsors Evangelistic Activities
The Carpenter’s Project was instrumental in the founding of the Independent Baptist College of Asia-Pacific (Philippines), and continues to offer support to its students and faculty.

Crosspower Ministries

Bob and Joy Burney
CrossPower Ministries helps Christians understand their ROAD TO VICTORY through preaching, teaching, retreats, Christian counseling, workshops, music and testimonies.
CrossPower is a Columbus, Ohio based Christian ministry of the Rev. Bob Burney and his wife Joy. The Burneys understand that the true message of the cross is seldom spoken today. This truth offers a deep insight into recognizing the treasures that God intends for all believers.
CrossPower is a Columbus, Ohio based Christian ministry of the Rev. Bob Burney and his wife Joy. The Burneys understand that the true message of the cross is seldom spoken today. This truth offers a deep insight into recognizing the treasures that God intends for all believers.

Ian and Heidi Fry are serving on the mission fields of Zimbabwe, as a part of Eden Ministries, the same ministry that Clayton and Holly Womack worked with when they were in Zimbabwe.
God led Ian and Heidi to join the Eden team in 2011 after graduating from Johnson University. Ian serves as Administrator of Discipleship and Heidi serves as full-time caregiver and teacher to their children.
You can keep up with the Fry's through their Facebook Page.
God led Ian and Heidi to join the Eden team in 2011 after graduating from Johnson University. Ian serves as Administrator of Discipleship and Heidi serves as full-time caregiver and teacher to their children.
You can keep up with the Fry's through their Facebook Page.

Ian and Heidi Fry

The Kuzels

Scott, Donna & Alayna Kuzel
Scott and Donna Kuzel are missionaries to South Africa, serving the Lord in that country since 2006. The Kuzel's are sent out of Bible Baptist Church in Grand Forks, North Dakota.
The Kuzels have recently returned to the field after an extended stay in the United States with a new three year extension of their visas. You can catch up with the latest happenings for the Kuzels in their recent newsletter.
The Kuzels have recently returned to the field after an extended stay in the United States with a new three year extension of their visas. You can catch up with the latest happenings for the Kuzels in their recent newsletter.

The Ladinos

Kristen and Matias Ladino Family
Raised on the rough streets of Buenos Aires, Argentina, Matias took a tough path before he repented of his sin and accepted Jesus Christ as his Savior, in March of 2005 at a Christian discipleship center sponsored by Word of Life Ministries.
Matias enrolled in Word of Life Institute Argentina, and that is where he met Kristen... and they married in 2009. After living for nine years in the US, Matias and Kristen heard the call of God to return to South America to start a new discipleship center.
Matias enrolled in Word of Life Institute Argentina, and that is where he met Kristen... and they married in 2009. After living for nine years in the US, Matias and Kristen heard the call of God to return to South America to start a new discipleship center.
Mattias and Kristen are missionaries to the nation of Chile. You can learn more about their ministry at https://www.trulyfreecenter.com/, follow the latest on their facebook page or catch up with their latest prayer letter.

The Prangers

Jim and Laura Pranger
The Pranger family began their missionary journey in 1992. In 1994, after two years of deputation, they arrived in the Magadan Region of the Russian Far East. The Lord used them to start churches in the city of Magadan in the villages of Palatka, Sokol and Ust’Omchug. In 2004, they moved to Krasnoyarsk, in southern central Russia. After three years in Krasnoyarsk, there was a change in visa laws that ended their time in Russia. At that time, they felt the leading of the Lord to Europe. They arrived in Budapest, Hungary, in 2008 to oversee the Bible Baptist Church. They have been there since that time.

After twenty-one years of military service in military churches overseas and stateside, Chuck and Susan were called minister to the U.S. Military in the country of Japan. In 2002, Chuck, Susan and their six children arrived in Japan, and in 2014 Chuck felt the call to Okinawa and started Lighthouse Baptist Church there.
In 2021 the Callahans transitioned to a new ministerial role with Chuck becoming the AFBM Director of OPerations,based in Roanoke, Virginia.
In 2021 the Callahans transitioned to a new ministerial role with Chuck becoming the AFBM Director of OPerations,based in Roanoke, Virginia.

The Stovers

The Stovers are missionaries to the people of Peru. We'll be updating this listing with more details about the Stovers very soon - stay tuned!

The Thorntons

Steve & Pam Thornton
The Thorntons are a Ohio-based family who now calls Argentina home. We'll have more content around the Thorntons in the days ahead!

The Terrados

Danilo Terrado and family are based in the Phillipines. We've enjoyed getting to know the Terrados of late, and will fill out their profile fully in the near future.

Dustan And Beth Horst are missionaries with Word of Life International Ministries. We will update this area with a full write up about them and their family very soon.

Dustan and Beth Horst

The Jameses

Joseph & Brittany James
Joseph, Brittany, and their two children have lived in coastal Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania since 2016. Their team of missionaries called The Grace Mission is sent from Grace Baptist Church in Mason, Ohio.

Juarez Children's Home

55:11 Ministries is the umbrella organization that includes the children's home in Juarez, Mexico. This is a wonderful work, and if you want to see what the support of churches like Central is yielding, follow them on their Facebook page. What a blessing to see the Lord work in the lives of these children!

Kelly Love

Kelly Love
"The foundation of my ministry is to assist a church-planting team. Although my primary work is in children’s ministries (Proverbs 22:6), I also help with the ladies’ ministries and wherever I am needed. This could mean painting, cooking or teaching teachers. Our goal is to leave fully-functioning, biblical churches."

Join the mission
Serve the Kingdom on our upcoming mission trip to Mexico.
We are in the planning stages for a trip to visit one of our supported missions in Mexico. Watch this space and we'll provide details as we have them.